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Changing Prestashop Order...
A module you need to change and edit the reference code for Prestashop. With this module,...
Prestashop Entegra Connection
A module that connects Prestashop and Entegra and transfers incoming orders to Engegra. With...
Prestashop Auto Create...
You can automatically define coupons for orders placed on your site or for new members.
Hide Out Of Stock Products...
A module that you can use to hide out-of-stock products on the category page hide
Ask A Question Module
Questioning module designed for Prestashop 1.7 and 8. With this module, you can create a panel...
Prestashop Cimri...
You can automatically transfer your products from Prestashop to the stingy, so you can...
Prestashop Product Position...
You can easily get the product in the order you want on the page.With this order, you can lock...